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*Previous Topic: IHTMLDocument::get_Script
*Next Topic: IHTMLDocument2::get_all


A document object represents the HTML document in a given browser window. You use the document object to retrieve information about the document, to examine and modify the HTML elements and text within the document, and to process events.

Typically, every window object has a corresponding document object that you can retrieve by calling the IUnknown::QueryInterface method with the IID_IHTMLDocument or IID_IHTMLDocument2 interface identifier. Windows that contain HTML documents always have valid document objects, but windows that contain documents in other formats might not. In general, before attempting to retrieve the document object for a window that is not the current window, make sure that the source file associated with that window is an HTML document file or a file that can be represented as an HTML document (for example, a text file).

IHTMLDocument2 Methods
get_all   get_body   get_activeElement  
get_images get_applets   get_links  
get_forms   get_anchors put_title  
get_title   get_scripts   get_selection  
get_readyState   get_frames get_embeds  
get_plugins   put_alinkColor   get_alinkColor
put_bgColor   get_bgColor   put_fgColor  
get_fgColor put_linkColor   get_linkColor  
put_vlinkColor   get_vlinkColor get_referrer  
get_location   get_lastModified   put_URL
get_URL   put_domain   get_domain  
put_cookie get_cookie   put_expando  
get_expando   put_charset get_charset  
put_defaultCharset   get_defaultCharset   get_mimeType  
get_fileSize   get_fileCreatedDate   get_fileModifiedDate  
get_fileUpdatedDate get_security   get_protocol  
get_nameProp   write writeln  
open   close   clear  
queryCommandSupported   queryCommandEnabled   queryCommandState  
queryCommandIndeterm   queryCommandText   queryCommandValue  
execCommand   execCommandShowHelp   createElement  
put_onhelp   get_onhelp   put_onclick  
get_onclick   put_ondblclick   get_ondblclick  
put_onkeyup   get_onkeyup   put_onkeydown  
get_onkeydown   put_onkeypress   get_onkeypress  
put_onmouseup   get_onmouseup   put_onmousedown  
get_onmousedown   put_onmousemove   get_onmousemove  
put_onmouseout   get_onmouseout   put_onmouseover  
get_onmouseover   put_onreadystatechange   get_onreadystatechange  
put_onafterupdate   get_onafterupdate   put_onrowexit  
get_onrowexit   put_onrowenter   get_onrowenter  
put_ondragstart   get_ondragstart   put_onselectstart  
get_onselectstart   elementFromPoint   get_parentWindow  
get_styleSheets   put_onbeforeupdate   get_onbeforeupdate  
put_onerrorupdate   get_onerrorupdate   toString  

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