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This interface provides access to the event processes, such as the element in which the event occurred, the state of the keyboard keys, the location of the mouse, and the state of the mouse buttons.

The event object is only available during an event, that is, you can use it in event handlers but not in other code. You retrieve the event object by calling the IHTMLWindow2::get_event method.

Although all event properties are available to all event objects, some properties might not have meaningful values during some events. For example, the values retrieved by the get_fromElement and the get_toElement methods are meaningful only when processing the onmouseover and onmouseout events.

IHTMLEventObj Methods
get_srcElement   get_altKey   get_ctrlKey  
get_shiftKey   put_returnValue   get_returnValue  
put_cancelBubble   get_cancelBubble   get_fromElement  
get_toElement   put_keyCode   get_keyCode  
get_button   get_type   get_qualifier  
get_reason   get_x   get_y  
get_clientX   get_clientY   get_offsetX  
get_offsetY   get_screenX   get_screenY  

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