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This interface provides access to some of the properties and methods supported by the IMG element and the INPUT element of the image type. The other properties and methods are accessible through the IHTMLImgElement interface.

The IMG element embeds an image or a video clip in a document. It supports the onfocus event and can receive the input focus only if it has been associated with a MAP element.

IHTMLImgElement Methods
put_isMap   get_isMap   put_useMap  
get_useMap   get_mimeType   get_fileSize  
get_fileCreatedDate   get_fileModifiedDate   get_fileUpdatedDate  
get_protocol   get_href   get_nameProp  
put_border   get_border   put_vspace  
get_vspace   put_hspace   get_hspace  
put_alt   get_alt   put_src  
get_src   put_lowsrc   get_lowsrc  
put_vrml   get_vrml   get_dynsrc  
get_readyState   get_complete   put_loop  
get_loop   put_align   get_align  
put_onload   get_onload   put_onerror  
get_onerror   put_onabort   get_onabort  
put_name   get_name   put_width  
get_width   put_height   get_height  
put_start   get_start  

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