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This interface provides access to an object representing a single style sheet in the document.

The styleSheet object represents an instance of the STYLE or LINK tag with a relationship (rel attribute) of the STYLESHEET object.

You use the object to retrieve information about the style sheet, such as the URL of the source file for the style sheet and the element in the document that owns (defines) the style sheet. You also use the object to modify the style sheet.

You retrieve a pointer to the style sheet object by using the IHTMLDocument2::get_styleSheets method. You can retrieve a collection of all styleSheets in the document by using the IHTMLStyleSheet::get_imports method. Each item in the collection is a style sheet. A style sheet object is available for a style sheet only if it is included in a document with a STYLE or LINK element, or with an @import statement in the STYLE element.

IHTMLStyleSheet Methods
put_title   get_title   get_parentStyleSheet  
get_owningElement   put_disabled   get_disabled  
get_readOnly   get_imports   put_href  
get_href   get_type   get_id  
addImport   addRule   removeImport  
removeRule   put_media   get_media  
get_cssText   get_rules  

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