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This interface provides the ability to access the text range object in an HTML element. You use this interface to retrieve and modify text in an element, to locate specific strings in the text, and to carry out commands that affect the appearance of the text.

You retrieve a text range object by using the createTextRange method of the IHTMLBodyElement, IHTMLInputHiddenElement, IHTMLInputTextElement, IHTMLTextAreaElement, or IHTMLButtonElement interface. You can modify the extent of the text range by moving its start and end positions with methods such as move, moveToElementText, and findText. Within the text range, you can retrieve and modify plain text or HTML text. These forms of text are identical except that HTML text includes HTML tags; plain text does not.

IHTMLTxtRange Methods
get_htmlText   put_text   get_text  
parentElement   duplicate   inRange  
isEqual   scrollIntoView   collapse  
expand   move   moveStart  
moveEnd   select   pasteHTML  
moveToElementText   setEndPoint   compareEndPoints  
findText   moveToPoint   getBookmark  
moveToBookmark   queryCommandSupported   queryCommandEnabled  
queryCommandState   queryCommandIndeterm   queryCommandText  
queryCommandValue   execCommand   execCommandShowHelp

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