Programming the Document Object Model from C/C++Programming the Document Object Model from C/C++*

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Programming the Document Object Model from C/C++

This document describes the interfaces used to access the Dynamic HTML Object Model of Internet Explorer 4.0 as implemented by MSHTML.DLL (IE4/MSHTML). These interfaces may be used by applications hosting IE4/MSHTML directly, indirectly through the WebBrowser control or by controls and COM objects hosted by IE4/MSHTML.

The Dynamic HTML Object Model interfaces give C and C++ programmers access to the HTML object model of Internet Explorer 4.0. Used in ActiveX controls and applications hosting IE4/MSHTML, these interfaces give direct access to the objects, properties, methods, collections, and events described in the object model. This gives C and C++ programmers the same level of control over Dynamic HTML as script programmers.

The following sections describe the interfaces and their member functions. For a listing of the interfaces, see Interfaces and Scripting Objects.

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