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HRESULT RatingAccessDeniedDialog(
    HWND hwndParent,
    LPCTSTR pszUsername,
    LPCTSTR pszContentDescription,
    LPVOID pRatingDetails

Displays a modal dialog box telling the user that access to the requested content is denied. The supervisor can set an option that adds controls to the dialog box; these controls would allow a supervisor to enter a user name and password to override the rating and allow access.

Handle to the parent window for the modal dialog box.
Address of a string that contains the name of the user who was denied access. If this parameter is NULL, the user name is extracted from the structure specified by pRatingDetails, or the current user name is used.
Address of a string that describes the content to which access was denied.
Opaque pointer returned by the RatingCheckUserAccess function. This parameter can provide the dialog box with additional information about why access was denied, such as whether the site is considered rated, which ratings exceeded limits, and where the rating was obtained.

See also RatingCheckUserAccess

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