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*Previous Topic: IScheduledWorkItem::GetNextRunTime
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HRESULT GetRunTimes(
    const LPSYSTEMTIME pstBegin,
    const LPSYSTEMTIME pstEnd,
    WORD * pCount,
    LPSYSTEMTIME * rgstTaskTimes

Retrieves the work item run times for a specified time period.

Address of a SYSTEMTIME structure that contains the starting time of the time period to check. This value is inclusive.
Address of a SYSTEMTIME structure that contains the ending time of the time period to check. This value is exclusive. If NULL is passed for this value, the end time is infinite.
Address of a value that specifies the number of run times to retrieve. Before calling GetRunTimes, this value contains the number of run times being requested. This can be a number between 1 and TASK_MAX_RUN_TIMES. After GetRunTimes is called, this value contains the number of run times actually retrieved.
Address of an array of SYSTEMTIME structures. This array contains pCount run times. This array must be freed using the CoTaskMemFree function.

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