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*Previous Topic: InternetCanonicalizeUrl
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BOOL InternetCombineUrl(
    IN LPCSTR lpszBaseUrl,
    IN LPCSTR lpszRelativeUrl,
    OUT LPSTR lpszBuffer,
    IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwBufferLength,
    IN DWORD dwFlags

Combines a base and relative URL into a single URL. The resultant URL will be canonicalized (see InternetCanonicalizeUrl).

Address of the base URL to be combined.
Address of the relative URL to be combined.
Address of a buffer that receives the resulting URL.
Size, in bytes, of the lpszBuffer buffer. If the function succeeds, this parameter receives the length, in characters, of the resultant combined URL—the length does not include the null terminator. If the function fails, this parameter receives the length, in bytes, of the required buffer—the length includes the null terminator.
Flags controlling the operation of the function. Can be one of the following values:
ICU_BROWSER_MODE Does not encode or decode characters after "#" or "?", and does not remove trailing white space after "?". If this value is not specified, the entire URL is encoded and trailing white space is removed.
ICU_DECODE Converts all %XX sequences to characters, including escape sequences, before the URL is parsed.
ICU_ENCODE_SPACES_ONLY Encodes spaces only.
ICU_NO_ENCODE Does not convert unsafe characters to escape sequences.
ICU_NO_META Does not remove meta sequences (such as "." and "..") from the URL.

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