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BOOL InternetCreateUrl( 
    IN LPURL_COMPONENTS lpUrlComponents,
    IN DWORD dwFlags,
    OUT LPSTR lpszUrl,
    IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwUrlLength

Creates a URL from its component parts.

Address of a URL_COMPONENTS structure that contains the components from which to create the URL.
Flags that control the operation of this function. Can be a combination of these values:
ICU_ESCAPE Converts all escape sequences (%xx) to their corresponding characters.
ICU_USERNAME When adding the user name, uses the name that was specified at logon time.
Address of a buffer that receives the URL.
Length, in bytes, of the lpszUrl buffer. When the function returns, this parameter receives the length, in bytes, of the URL string, minus 1 for the terminating character. If GetLastError returns ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER, this parameter receives the number of bytes required to hold the created URL.

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