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*Previous Topic: GetUrlCacheEntryInfoEx
*Next Topic: RetrieveUrlCacheEntryFile


BOOL ReadUrlCacheEntryStream(
    IN HANDLE hUrlCacheStream,
    IN  DWORD dwLocation,
    IN OUT LPVOID lpBuffer,
    IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwLen,
    IN DWORD dwReserved

Reads the cached data from a stream that has been opened using the RetrieveUrlCacheEntryStream function.

Handle that was returned by the RetrieveUrlCacheEntryStream function.
Offset to read from.
Address of a buffer that receives the data.
Address of a variable that specifies the length of the lpBuffer buffer. When the function returns, the variable contains the number of bytes copied to the buffer, or the required size of the buffer.
Reserved; must be zero.

If the buffer size is not sufficient, GetLastError returns ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER, and sets lpdwLen to the size necessary to contain all the information.

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