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FilterColumn, FilterCriterion, FilterValue, SortColumn, and SortDirection Properties and Reset Method Example

The following code shows how to set the RDS.DataControl Server parameter at design time and bind it to a data-aware control using an ODBC data source called pubs. Pubs ships with SQL Server 6.5. To try the example you will need rich text controls named txtSortcolumn, txtSortdirection, txtFiltercolumn, txtCriterion, txtFilterValue and an HTML Form Input Button named SortFilter.

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:BD96C556-65A3-11D0-983A-00C04FC29E33"
<PARAM NAME="SQL" VALUE="Select * from Sales ">
<PARAM NAME="SERVER" VALUE="http://MyWebServer">

<!-- Sheridan Grid -->
<Object CLASSID="clsid:AC05DC80-7DF1-11d0-839E-00A024A94B3A"
	<PARAM NAME="AllowAddNew"   VALUE="TRUE">
	<PARAM NAME="AllowDelete"   VALUE="TRUE">
	<PARAM NAME="AllowUpdate"   VALUE="TRUE">
	<PARAM NAME="BackColor"     VALUE="-2147483643">
	<PARAM NAME="BackColorOdd"  VALUE="-2147483643">
	<PARAM NAME="ForeColorEven" VALUE="0">

<Script Language="VBScript">
Sub SortFilter_OnClick

	' Set the values. txtSortcolumn is a rich text box
	' control. The value of SortColumn will be the text
	' value of what the user specifies in the
	' txtSortcolumn box.
	If(txtSortcolumn.text <> "") then
		ADC.SortColumn = txtSortcolumn.text
	End If

	' txtSortdirection is a rich text box
	' control. The value of SortDirection will be the 
	' text value of what the user specifies in the
	' txtSortdirection box.
	Select Case UCASE(txtSortDirection.text)
	Case "TRUE"
		ADC.SortDirection = TRUE
	Case "FALSE"
		ADC.SortDirection = FALSE
	Case Else
		MsgBox "Only true or false are accepted for sort direction"
	End Select

	' txtFiltercolumn is a rich text box
	' control. The value of FilterColumn will be the 
	' text value of what the user specifies in the
	' txtFiltercolumn box.
	If (txtFiltercolumn.text <> "") Then
		ADC.FilterColumn = txtFiltercolumn.text
	End If

	' txtCriterion is a rich text box
	' control. The value of FilterCriterion will be the 
	' text value of what the user specifies in the
	' txtCriterion box.
	If (txtCriterion.text <> "") Then
		ADC.FilterCriterion = txtCriterion.text
	End If

	' txtFilterValue is a rich text box
	' control. The value of FilterValue will be the 
	' text value of what the user specifies in the
	' txtFilterValue box.
	If (txtFilterValue.text <> "") Then
		ADC.FilterValue = txtFilterValue.text
	End If

	' Execute the sort and filter on a client-side
	' Recordset based on the specified sort and filter
	' properties. Calling Reset refreshes the result set
	' that is displayed in the data-bound controls to
	' display the filtered, sorted recordset.

End Sub

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