The Sample Agent Script

This script acts as the agent during the refresh cycle.  The code in its entirety is listed below. 

During the refresh cycle, this agent will gather the specified files in the specified directory for inclusion in the Channel object running the cycle.  It additionally uses the WrapSSIFilter COM class to gather bibliographic information encountered in each file it adds.

The first section of the script checks that the RefreshOptions have been set in an acceptable way for the agent to use.  In this case, it makes sure the keys "Files" and "Directory" are set and that the associated values are of the correct data type.

It then creates a Scripting.FileSystemObject class object to access the file system and the listed files.  For each file passed in the RefreshOptions collection under the key "Files", it adds the file as an Item object to the Items collection for the Channel.

After setting some properties such as the HREF and Title, it then uses the WrapSSIFilter COM object to scan the file for bibliographic tags and information.

On Error Resume Next
Dim g_oPushFilter
Set g_oPushFilter = CreateObject("Push.WrapSSIFilter")
On Error Goto 0

If Util.IsValidData(Options("Files"), vbArray + vbVariant) AND _
   Util.IsValidData(Options("Directory"), vbString) Then

    Dim strFile, oFileSystem
    Set oFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    For Each strFile in Options("Files")
        Dim oItem
        Set oItem = Channel.AddItem()

        REM Set Item properties
        oItem.DeleteOnRefresh = TRUE
        oItem.HREF            = strFile
        oItem.Title           = strFile
        SetIFilterProperties g_oPushFilter, oItem, oFileSystem.GetFile(Options("Directory") & strFile)

        ' Please refer to the SDK for properties that can be set on Item.

End If

REM This procedure sets additional Item properties found by the IFilter object
Sub SetIFilterProperties(ByVal oPushFilter, ByVal oItem, ByVal oFile)

    Dim fFilterLoaded, vtData, strAuth, strKwdit

    If VarType(oPushFilter) <> vbObject Then
        oItem.Title = oFile.Name
        fFilterLoaded = TRUE

        REM Load the filename into the filter and extract HTM tag properties
        On Error Resume Next
        oPushFilter.load oFile.Path, 0
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
            fFilterLoaded = FALSE
        End If
        On Error Goto 0

        If fFilterLoaded = FALSE Then
            oItem.Title = oFile.Name
            REM Filter is loaded, set the properties retrieved from the file Filter

            REM set the Title
            vtData = oPushFilter.GetProperty("title")
            If util.IsValidData(vtData, vbString) Then
                oItem.Title = vtData
                oItem.Title = oFile.Name
            End If

            REM set the authors
            vtData = oPushFilter.GetProperty("authors")
            If util.IsValidData(vtData, (vbArray+vbVariant)) Then
                For each strAuth in vtData
                    oItem.Authors.Add strAuth
            End If

            REM set the abstract
            vtData = oPushFilter.GetProperty("abstract")
            If util.IsValidData(vtData, vbString) Then
                oItem.Abstract = vtData
            End If

            REM set the Keywords
            vtData = oPushFilter.GetProperty("Keywords")
            If util.IsValidData(vtData, (vbArray+vbVariant)) Then
                For each strKwdit in vtData
                    oItem.Keywords.Add strKwdit
            End If
        End If 'fFilterLoaded
    End If 'g_bUseFilter
End Sub

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