Push Parameters

The following parameters are required for all push replications.

Name Description
ReplicationMethod Set the ReplicationProject.ReplicationMethod property to "SENDINET" for Push projects.
Destination This parameter is a list of the names of all servers to receive the replication. Can be NULL if there is no destination. If creating a project using routes, it must be the name of the route. The list cannot exceed 4096 characters.
LocalDirectory This property is the name of the local directory used to send or receive the content. This parameter cannot be NULL.
Flags This (VarType = vbLong) property consists of one or more defined bitmapped values (see Flags)
MapUrl (optional) The name of the URL that maps to the local directory. For example, "http://www.microsoft.com/Cinemania" could map to the local directory "C:\Microsoft\Cinemania".
ExcludeDir (optional) The name of a directory to exclude from replication.
MailTo (optional) The name of the user towhom mail is sent if a replication completes.
MailToFail (optional) The name of the user towhom mail is sent if a replication fails.
MailToSuccess (optional) The name of the user towhom mail is sent if a replication succeeds.
AfterSendScript (optional) The script to execute after sending files.
BeforeReceiveScript (optional) The script to execute before receiving new files.
BeforeSendScript (optional) The script to execute before sending files.
AfterReceiveScript (optional) The script to execute after receiving files.

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