
The ReplicationClient object provides finer control when replicating individual files. The ReplicationClient object does not use the Content Deployment server to perform replications. The following table briefly describes the ReplicationClient object's methods and properties.

Method Description
Abort Cancels pending transactions on each destination server defined for the project
Commit Applies transactions on each destination server defined for the project
Connect Initiates a connection to each destination server defined for the project
DeleteFile Deletes a file on each destination server defined for the project
Disconnect Disconnects from all destination servers defined for the project
GetExtendedErrorInfo Returns additional error information.
Initialize Initializes the ReplicationClient object
SendFile Sends a file to each destination server defined for the project
SendFiles Sends an array of files to each destination server defined for the project
Property Description
ACLs Access Control Lists
FastMode Whether the replication is run in fast mode
Force Whether to force replication
NumDestinations Total number of destination servers
SkipLockedFiles Whether to try to send locked  files to each destination server defined for the project

Note   You cannot use ReplicationClient's methods or properties to replicate files to the same host or to replicate a metabase project.

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