The Receive Pipeline

The Receive pipeline is a form of the Commerce Interchange Pipeline that is used to receive a business data object sent by a business partner.

This template for this pipeline is Receive.pct. An example of a pipeline based on this template is the InterchangeReceive.pcf file that is used by the Microsoft Market sample site.

The Receive pipeline consists of the following stages.

Decrypt Stage

The business data is usually received in an encoded form suitable for transmission. The Decrypt stage decrypts the incoming data stream and writes the result to working data in the Transport Dictionary.

The components related to this stage include the following.

Component Description
DecodeSMIME Decodes a data stream that was encapsulated in the IETF EDIINT draft Internet standard S/MIME (secure MIME) format, and writes the result to working data.
DecryptPKCS Decrypts the data stream using the PKCS7 standard, and writes this data and writes the result to working data.

Verify Digital Signature Stage

The Verify Digital Signature stage verifies the digital signature on the data stored in the Transport Dictionary.

The components related to this stage include the following.

Component Description
DecodeSMIME Decodes a business data object that was encapsulated in the IETF EDIINT draft Internet standard S/MIME (secure MIME) format.
VerifyDigitalSig Verifies the digital signature on the data stored in the Transport Dictionary, using the PKCS7 standard.

Open Header Stage

The Open Header stage performs the counterpart operations to any components used in the Add Header stage of the Transmit pipeline. The stage saves message attributes in the Transport Dictionary and unwraps the business data for the Map stage.

The OpenHeader component creates a digest only if the sender has requested a return receipt. The digest is instead intended to confirm that the business data object was received, and is transmitted to the original sender by Generate Receipt stage.

The components related to this stage include the following.

Component Description
DecodeMIME Decodes a business data object that was encapsulated in the MIME format.
OpenHeader Parses the XML data appended to the business data object by the Add Header stage, and writes the transaction ID, the data and time of the transmission, and an optional digest of the message data to the Transport Dictionary as name/value pairs, as well as the optional sender and receiver addresses.

Generate Receipt

If a receipt has been requested, the Generate Receipt stage creates a return receipt business data object, and then invokes a transmit pipeline to send the receipt object back to the trading partner that originally transmitted the business data.

The components related to this stage include the following.

Component Description
GenerateReceipt Reads values written to the Transport Dictionary by the OpenHeader component, and if requested, creates a receipt object and then invokes a transmit pipeline to send the receipt object back to the original sender.

Map Stage

The Map stage in the Receive pipeline converts the working data to a business data object.

The components related to this stage include the following.

Component Description
MapFromXML Reconstitutes the original business data object from the XML stream, and writes the object to the transport dictionary.

Audit Stage

The Audit stage writes selected elements of information about a business transaction to the audit database.

The components related to this stage include the following.

Component Description
Audit Writes specified values from the Transport Dictionary into a database table in the audit database.
AuditReceipt Writes data from the receipt into the audit database table.

Application Integration Stage

The Application Integration stage is intended to contain components that map business object data to a format that can be read by a target application. For example, one might create an application integration component designed to read a Commerce Server SimpleList and write the contents of that SimpleList to an Excel spreadsheet.

The components related to this stage include the following.

Component Description
SQLOrderADO Runs a SQL query.

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