The MtsTxPipeline Object

The MtsTxPipeline object creates and executes a pipeline. This pipeline may be used as an order processing pipeline (OPP) or as a Commerce Interchange Pipeline (CIP).

Commerce Server 3.0 provides three similar objects that execute pipeline configurations. These objects differ in the way in which they are registered with Microsoft® Transaction Server (MTS) (see MtsTxPipeline and MtsPipeline Overview).

The MtsTxPipeline object is registered under MTS as transactions required. This object holds a transaction that spans all components in the pipeline configuration.


When used with a database, the MtsTxPipeline object requires an ODBC-compliant database that supports Microsoft Transaction Server.

The MSDTC service must be running in order to use the MtsTxPipeline object. (To verify this, on the Start menu point to Settings, and then click Control Panel. Double-click Services. Check that the status of MSDTC is shown as Started.) A failure of MTS appears in the Windows NT Application Event Log as a Transaction Server error.

The MtsTxPipeline object supports the following methods.

Method Description
LoadPipe Loads a configuration (.pcf) file into the pipeline.
Execute Runs the components in the pipeline.
SetLogFile Identifies the file to which pipeline events are logged.

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