Microsoft® Commerce Server 3.0 includes a group of Component Object Model (COM) interfaces that are implemented by Commerce Server objects, or that you implement to create your own objects.
These interfaces fall into two categories.
The first consists of the pipeline interfaces. These are interfaces that are defined by Commerce Server 3.0, but that you implement to create order processing pipeline (OPP) or Commerce Interchange components. These interfaces include the following.
Interface | Description |
IConfigurationCache | Helps optimize loading of pipeline configuration data under stress. |
IPersistStreamInit | Persists an object’s data to a stream. |
IPersistXML | Persists an object’s data to an XML stream. |
IPipelineComponent | Executes the component. |
IPipelineComponentAdmin | Sets and retrieves the properties on a component using a Dictionary object. |
IPipelineComponentDescription | Uses a SAFEARRAY to identify the OrderForm and pipe context elements that a component reads and writes. |
IPersistStream | Saves and loads a component’s properties to and from persistent storage. |
ISpecifyPropertyPages | Supports methods that make it possible to store data in an array of VARIANTs. |
The second category of interfaces includes those that are implemented by objects included in Commerce Server 3.0, and which you use in the course of creating custom pipeline components. These interfaces include the following.
Interface | Description |
IDataFunctions | Supports methods that perform the locale-based conversion of strings and numeric values. |
IDictionary | Supports methods that make it possible to store data as name/value pairs. |
IMSCSMessageManager_3_0 | Supports adding and retrieving messages to and from the MessageManager. |
IMSCSStandardSManager_3_0 | Supports the creation, storage, and retrieval or unique shopper IDs. |
IOrderForm | Supports methods that add and remove items from an OrderForm object. |
IOrderPipeline | Supports methods that load and execute an OrderPipeline pipeline. |
IPipeline | Supports methods that load and execute an MtsPipeline or MtsTxPipeline pipeline. |
ISimpleList | Supports methods that make it possible to store data in an array of VARIANTs. |