
The OrderExecute method runs the order processing pipeline (OPP) or Commerce Interchange Pipeline (CIP).


HRESULT IPipeline::OrderExecute(
lMode// in
IDispatch *pDispOrder// in
IDispatch *pDispContext// in
longlFlags// in
long *plErrorLevel// out, retval


The execution mode parameter. This parameter can be one of the following values:

This parameter indicates the type of operation being conducted on the OrderForm or Dictionary object. In Commerce Server version 3.0, this parameter is ignored.

A pointer to the OrderForm or Transport Dictionary object.
A pointer to the pipe context Dictionary. This is a Dictionary object that contains pointers to the MessageManager object, ShopperManager object, Content object, and language information.
This parameter should be zero (0).
Points to a long integer in which the component returns status information. This parameter can be one of the following values.
Value Meaning
1 No errors, pipeline executed successfully.
2 Basket or purchase errors for this operation.
3 Serious errors in execution of this pipeline.

This error information is meant to supplement the HRESULT information that is returned. The pipeline maps errors returned from components (E_xxxx errors) to an error level of 2.

Include File


Return Value

Value Description
S_OK The order processing pipeline (OPP) or Commerce Interchange Pipeline (CIP) was executed successfully.
E_INVALIDARG The pdispErrorLevel or pdispOrderForm parameters are NULL.

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