Values Commonly Used on the OrderForm

The following table lists the typical name/value pairs on the OrderForm object, and includes a brief description of each item.

Name/Value Pair Definition
order.shopper_id Unique identifier for the customer who submitted this order. This name/value pair is initialized prior to the submission of the order to the OPP.
order.bill_to_* Contains the billing address information for the current customer.
order.ship_to_* Contains shipping information for the current customer. The ship_to_zip name/value pair can be used by the TableShipping and TableHandling components as one of the bases for computing shipping and handling costs.
order._Basket_Errors A SimpleList in which components in the OPP store error messages retrieved from the MessageManager.
order._Purchase_Errors A SimpleList in which components in the OPP store error messages retrieved from the MessageManager.
order.cc_name Name that appears on the credit card used to finance the purchase. This name/value pair is initialized prior to the submission of the OrderForm to the OPP.
order.cc_type Type of credit card submitted: VISA, MC, AMEX, or Discover. The ValidateCCNumber component uses this type as the basis for performing routine validation on the credit card number.
order._cc_number Credit-card number for the card used to finance this purchase. By default, the SaveReceipt component, which persists other information on the OrderForm, does not save credit-card numbers.
order._cc_expmonth Month in which the provided credit card expires.
order._cc_expyear Day on which the provided credit card expires.
order.order_id Unique identifier for this order.
order._total_total Total cost of the order, including the order subtotal, shipping, handling, and tax. This value is initialized by the DefaultTotal component, and is verified by the RequiredTotal component.
order._tax_included Value that indicates how much tax is included in the cost of the order.
order._handling_total Total cost for handling the order. This value is initialized by Handling stage components (TableHandling, TableHandlingADO, FixedHandling).
order._shipping_total Total cost for shipping the items on the OrderForm. By default, this is the name/value pair initialized by every Shipping component.
order._tax_total Total tax for this order. This name/value pair is initialized by Tax stage components. How this value is calculated depends upon the Tax stage component used.
order._oadjust_subtotal Subtotal of all the items in the items list. This value, which is initialized by the DefaultSubtotal component, represents a total of item._oadjust_adjustedprice for each item in the list. The item._oadjust_adjustedprice represents the total for a given item (its quantity times its list price, minus promotional discounts).
item.sku Unique identifier of an item. The QueryProdInfo component passes this value as a parameter to the query that you specify to retrieve information on the item. This name/value pair can be ignored by QueryProdInfoADO.
item.Quantity Number of items of a given SKU.
item.list_price List_price of the item.
item._product_* Name/value pairs contain information about items of a given SKU. These name/value pairs are initialized by the QueryProdInfo or QueryProdInfoADO components. The name portion of the name/value pair consists of the prefix _product_ followed by the name of the database table column from which the information was retrieved.
item._iadjust_regularprice Name/value pair contains the regular price of the item. The DefaultItemPrice component, in the Item Price stage, initializes this name/value pair to the value _product_list_price. The RequiredItemPrice component ensures that this name/value pair is initialized.

Promotional components, such as ItemPromo and DBOrderPromo uses this name/value pair as the basis for price adjustments. For example, if an item is to be reduced by a given percentage, that percentage is based on the value stored in _iadjust_regularprice.

item._iadjust_currentprice Contains the current price of the item.

Whereas the _iadjust_regularprice name/value pair contains the items regular price, this name/value pair reflects the regular price minus any promotional discounts.

item._oadjust_adjustedprice Total cost of this item. This name/value pair contains the current price of the item times the quantity, minus discounts resulting from a promotion or sale.
item._n_unadjusted Number of items of this SKU that have not participated in a promotional price reduction.
item._tax_total Total tax for the items of this SKU.
item._tax_included Value that indicates how much tax is included in the cost of the item.

The following table lists the name/value pairs on an OrderForm and the OPP components that read from or write to the specified pair.

Name/Value Pair Read By Written By
order.cc_type ValidateCCNumber
order.order_id RequiredOrderInit
order.ship_to_state SimpleCanadaTax, SimpleUSTax
order.ship_to_zip TableShipping (optional), TableHandling (optional)
order.ship_to_country SimpleCanadaTax, SimpleJapanTax, SimpleUSTax, SimpleVATTax
order.shipping_method TableShipping, TableShippingADO, TableHandling, TableHandlingADO
order._shipping_total RequiredShipping DefaultShipping, FixedShipping, LinearShipping, TableShipping, TableShippingADO
order._Basket_Errors RequiredProdInfo
order._cc_expmonth ValidateCCNumber
order._cc_expyear ValidateCCNumber
order._cc_number ValidateCCNumber
order._handling_total RequiredHandling, DefaultTotal, RequiredOrderInit, DefaultHandling, FixedHandling, LinearHandling, TableHandling, TableHandlingADO
order._oadjust_subtotal RequiredOrderSubtotal, DefaultTotal DefaultOrderSubtotal, RequiredOrderInit
order._payment_auth_code RequiredPayment RequiredOrderInit, DefaultPayment
order._Purchase_Errors FlagInventory, LocalInventory, RequiredHandling, RequiredItemAdjustPrice,RequiredOrderCheck, RequiredPayment, RequiredShipping, RequiredTotal, ValidateCCNumber
order._shipping_total DefaultTotal RequiredOrderInit
order._shopper_* DbOrderPromo DefaultShopperInfo, QueryProdInfoADO
order._tax_included RequiredOrderInit, DefaultTax, SimpleCanadaTax, SimpleJapanTax, SimpleUSTax, SimpleVATTax
order._tax_total DefaultTotal DefaultTax, RequiredOrderInit, SimpleCanadaTax, SimpleJapanTax, SimpleUSTax, SimpleVATTax
order._tax_total_gst SimpleCanadaTax
order._tax_total_pst SimpleCanadaTax
order._total_total DefaultTotal, RequiredOrderInit
order._verify_with RequiredTotal
item.delete RequiredProdInfo, QueryProdInfo, QueryProdInfoADO
item.placed_price RequiredItemAdjustPrice RequiredItemAdjustPrice
item.quantity DbOrderPromo, DbOrderPromoADO, FlagInventory, LocalInventory, ReduceLocalInventory, RequiredOrderAdjustPrice, RequiredOrderInit RequiredOrderInit
item.sku LocalInventory, QueryProdInfo, QueryProdInfoADO, ReduceLocalInventory
item._iadjust_currentprice DbOrderPromo, DbOrderPromoADO, ItemPromo, RequiredItemAdjustPrice, RequiredOrderAdjustPrice ItemPromo, RequiredItemAdjustPrice, SaleAdjust
item._iadjust_regularprice ItemPromo, RequiredItemAdjustPrice, RequiredItemPrice DefaultItemPrice
item._inventory_backorder FlagInventory, LocalInventory
item._n_unadjusted DbOrderPromo, DbOrderPromoADO, RequiredOrderAdjustPrice DbOrderPromo, RequiredOrderInit
item._oadjust_adjustedprice RequiredOrderAdjustPrice, SimpleCanadaTax, SimpleJapanTax, SimpleUSTax, SimpleVATTax DbOrderPromo, DbOrderPromoADO, DefaultOrderSubtotal, RequiredOrderAdjustPrice,
item._oadjust_discount RequiredOrderAdjustPrice
item._product_* DbOrderPromo, QueryProdInfo, QueryProdInfoADO
item._product_gst SimpleCanadaTax
item._product_in_stock FlagInventory
item._product_jpn_tax_included SimpleJapanTax
item._product_jpn_tax_rate SimpleJapanTax
item._product_list_price DefaultItemPrice
item._product_local_inventory LocalInventory
item._product_pst SimpleCanadaTax
item._product_sale_end SaleAdjust
item._product_sale_price SaleAdjust
item._product_sale_start SaleAdjust
item._product_tax_rate SimpleVATTax
item._oadjust_adjustedprice RequiredOrderInit
item._tax_included SimpleCanadaTax, SimpleJapanTax, SimpleUSTax, SimpleVATTax
item._tax_total SimpleCanadaTax, SimpleJapanTax, SimpleUSTax, SimpleVATTax
item._tax_vat_item SimpleVATTax

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