The Pipeline Component Wizard

The Pipeline Component Wizard consists of a group of files that you add to your Visual C++ 5.0 installation to automate the creation of Commerce Server pipeline components. The Pipeline Component Wizard creates the object definition and implementation files that contain the function prototypes for all of the interfaces that you need to implement to create a fully functional pipeline component. In addition, the Pipeline Component Wizard creates a property page for your project, in which you add the controls through which users set component properties.

This tutorial assumes that you will use the Pipeline Component Wizard to create pipeline components.

To install the Pipeline Component Wizard
  1. Copy all the files contained in the \Microsoft Site Server SiteServer\Commerce\SDK \Commerce\Samples\ATLWizard\Template directory into your \Program Files\DevStudio\SharedIDE\Template\ATL directory (not into a subdirectory).
  2. Register the CommerceDLG.dll file, which is located in the \MicrosoftSiteServer\SiteServer\Commerce\SDK
    \Commerce\Samples\ATLWizard\i386 directory. To register this .dll, start the Command Prompt, change directories to the directory that contains the file, and type the following at the command line:
    regsvr32 CommerceDLG.dll

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