Interface IADsContainer

The IADsContainer interface implementation for the UserObjects class allows a programmer to access the various ADSI objects for the current user.  This implementation differs from those on bona fide ADSI objects in that they deal with the objects defined by the AUO entries for the current Membership server instance.  For example, if the AUO entries for Membership server instance 3 are the default, "container1" and "container2", the Count property would return 3 and the enumeration would return interfaces on the corresponding user ADSI objects defined by these entries.  It could be said that the UserObjects object is a container of the user's ADSI objects as defined by the AUO entries for the server instance. It aggregates the IDispatch interfaces on these objects.  Hence the name UserObjects.


Property Description
Count Gets the number of ADSI objects defined by the AUO entries for this Membership virtual server instance.  (e.g. if there are 3 AUO entries, this method returns "3")
_NewEnum Gets an interface on an enumerator object that can be used to enumerate the ADSI objects defined by the AUO entries for this Membership virtual server instance.
Filters Not implemented by this class
Hints Not implemented by this class


Method Description
GetObject Gets an interface on a named ADSI object.  In this case, the names can refer to a defined AUO entry name.  If the name is not defined as an AUO entry, the method will attempt to invoke this method on the ADSI object defined by the default AUO entry as if it were a "container" ADSI object.
Create Not implemented by this class
Delete Not implemented by this class
CopyHere Not implemented by this class
MoveHere Not implemented by this class

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