ListAllReplica Method

This method will list all LDAP virtual server instance identifiers and their respective Server names and RPC UUID values.

IDL Definition

HRESULT ListAllReplica(
 [out] VARIANT * rgServerId,         // SAFEARRAY OF VARIANT OF LONG
 [out] VARIANT * rgszServerName,      // SAFEARRAY OF VARIANT OF BSTR
 [out] VARIANT * rgszRpcGuid         // SAFEARRAY OF VARIANT OF BSTR



on return, a VT_ARRAY containing VT_LONG values each of which is an LDAP virtual server instance identifier


on return, a VT_ARRAY containing VT_BSTR values each of which is the server name hosting the corresponding virtual server instance


on return, a VT_ARRAY containing VT_BSTR values each of which is the RPC UUID for the corresponding virtual server instance

Return Values

a standard HRESULT value


The items in the array are correlated by their position in the array.  (i.e. array item 1 in each returned array are the instance id, server name, and GUID for a target replication virtual server instance.)

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