SchemaObjects IADsContainer::GetObject Method

The GetObject method returns the Idispatch interface on an ADSI schema object specified in the AUO provider configuration whose alias is passed as the object name.

IDL Definition

HRESULT GetObject (
  [in] BSTR Class,
  [in] BSTR Name,
  [out,retval] VARIANT* pIDisp
) ;



This argument is not supported, and should always be “”


The AUO provider alias


On return, the VT_DISPATCH variable contains the interface on the ADSI schema object

Return Values

A standard HRESULT value


Unlike the UserObjects implementation of the IADsContainer::GetObject method, the name specified must be an AUO provider alias.  It is assumed that all schema objects defined for the AUO providers have no children, and are thus all leaf objects.

One must call Init or InitEx before using GetObject.

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