GetSecurityMode Method

The GetSecurityMode method returns a BOOL specifying whether NT authentication is the configured mode for the service instance.  TRUE means that NTLM is set to handle authentication and credentials issuance.  FALSE means that a Site Server Authentication server instance is set to handle authentication and credentials issuance. 

IDL Definition

HRESULT GetSecurityMode(
BSTR bszServiceName, 
LONG lVirtServId, 
[out, retval] BOOL *pbNTSecurity



the name of the service.


the virtual server instance identifier


on return, the address of a BOOL variable.  The value is TRUE if NT authentication is set for this service's instance. FALSE means Membership Authentication is set for this service's instance.

Return Value

a standard HRESULT value


Set ObjCreator = CreateObject("ObjCreator.ObjCreator.1")
Set MemServers = ObjCreator.CreateObjAuth("MemAdmin.BrokServers.1")
call MemServers.GetSecurityMode("W3SVC",1,fIsNTMode)
If fIsNTMode Then
  wscript.echo "IIS Instance 1: NTLM for auth"
  wscript.echo "IIS instance 1: Site Server Auth"
End If

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