GetCDFStringForItems Method

The GetCDFStringForItems method builds and returns the CDF string defined by the object's Items collection.

VBScript Syntax

IChannel.GetCDFStringForItems IProject



a IProject dispinterface (VT_DISPATCH)

Return Value

The CDF formatted string (VT_BSTR)


When this method is invoked, the GetCDFString method is in turn invoked on each IItem interface in the Items collection. The total resulting CDF string is then returned.

The IProject parameter is required for all invocations of GetCDFStringForItems. This IProject dispinterface is passed as an argument to invocations of GetCDFString.


VBScript and Windows Scripting Host

Set IDispProject = CreateObject("Push.Project")
IDispProject.AddLogo "Item Logo" , "images/itemlogo.gif", "ICON"

Set IDispChannel = IDispProject.Channel
Set Item1 = IDispChannel.AddItem
Item1.LogoRefs.Add "Item Logo"
Set Item2 = IDispChannel.AddItem
Item2.LogoRefs.Add "Item Logo"

wscript.echo IDispChannel.GetCDFStringForItems(IDispProject)

This produces the following output

<LOGO HREF="images/itemlogo.gif" STYLE="ICON"/>
<LOGO HREF="images/itemlogo.gif" STYLE="ICON"/>

See Also

IItem GetCDFString Method

Items Collection

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