
The following table lists the errors that can be returned by Active Channel Server COM objects. They are packed into the EXCEPTINFO structure and returned via the disipinterface Invoke method.

The error 0x80400002 is generated during the execution of an agent script. The appropriate error message would be returned in the EXCEPTINFO structure.

These codes can be viewed in a script by using the intrinsic error object, such as Err in the Windows Scripting Hosts.

Code Description Returned
0x80400001 "Value is out of range"
0x80400002 <an agent exception has occurred, description is propagated from the scripting host>
0x80400003 “Unknown RefreshType assigned to channel.”
0x80400004 “This project does not have a name.”
0x80400005 “The CDF filename has not been provided.”

The other errors normally encountered during the execution of a script are listed below.

Error Description
Internal Error An error occurred during the call to the Invoke method. A parameter type or the number of parameters was incorrect.
VBScript Runtime Error Syntax error in the script.

Below are examples given using the intrinsic Err dispinterface within a script. In the first example, no argument is passed to the Refresh method on the IChannel interface. This would generate a VBScript Runtime error.

In the second example, the Err dispinterface is checked for errors encountered during a valid refresh cycle.

On Error Resume Next
Set IProject = CreateObject("Push.Project")
Set IChannel = IProject.Channel
call IChannel.Refresh
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
  WScript.Echo "Error calling refresh!"
  WScript.Echo "Error Number: " & Err.Number
  WSCript.Echo "Error Description: " & Err.Description
End If

On Error Resume Next
Set IProject = CreateObject("Push.Project")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
     WScript.Echo "Error encountered during the refresh cycle:"
   WScript.Echo Err.Number
   WScript.Echo Err.Description
End If

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