Class Project

Programmatic Identifier: Push.Project.1

The Push.Project.1 COM class, hereafter referred to as the Project class, defines an Automation-compliant object that can be used to manage information used to build content hierarchies, as defined by the Channel Definition Format (CDF) specification.  The Project object always contains the top-level channel, and collects all class Logo objects for use by child objects. 

The Project class exposes a dispinterface to the methods listed below. Therefore, all invocations must proceed through the IDispatch interface.

Dispinterface IProject


Name Description
AddLogo Adds a logo to the project.
GetCDFString Builds the CDF string for the project.
GetXMLDocument Returns the XML object defined by the project.
Load Loads the specified project from disk.
OuputDebugString Outputs a debug string.
Refresh Starts the refresh cycle on the project.
Save Saves the project.
SetLogTarget Sets the logging information for clients.
SetTask Sets the task information used to automate the refresh cycle.
WriteCDFFile Builds the CDF string for the project and saves it to the specified file.


Name Description
CDFEncoding The optional CDF encoding type.  Default is "UTF-8"
CDFFilename The project's optional CDF filename. Can be specified with Save method.
CDFURL The optional URL to the project's CDF file.
Channel The dispinterface to the top level Channel object.  Automatically created with the Project object.
DistributionList An optional email distribution list for the project.
LogTarget The dispinterface to an optional LogTarget object to associate with the project.
Name An optional name for the project.
Schedule The dispinterface to an optional Schedule object to associate with the project.
SelectionListPropName Holds the name of a Membership directory property in which users can store channel selections.
SelectionStylePropName Holds the name of a Membership directory service property users can store the type of channel list they desire for the project.  0 = inclusive; 1 = exclusive.
Task The dispinterface to an optional Task object to associate with the project.


Name Description
Logos A collection of dispinterfaces to Logo objects.

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