[Program Item Properties Index] (required for shared applications)

Each [Program Item Properties Index] key specifies the program item properties for network applications contained in the package. Each program item will be defined in the package’s Sharing property. The Program Item Properties key heading should have the following form: [Program Item Properties Index], where Index is a unique integer that identifies the program item within the PDF. The Index should start at 1 and increase by 1 for each additional program item.

Description (required)
The text used at workstations for the network application’s program item description. When the PDF is imported into SMS, this entry is used as the Description for the program item. This text can be localized.


Description = Microsoft Excel
CommandLine (required)
The command used to start the network application.


CommandLine = EXCEL.EXE
ConfigurationScript (required)
The configuration script file used to configure the network application at workstations. Note that this value can be NULL. If an explicit path is not specified, the package source directory is the default path to the configuration script.


ConfigurationScript = exc40a0n.PCD
RegistryName (required)
The name of the key where the network application’s configuration information is stored in the Windows registry.


RegistryName = EXCEL4
DefaultINIFile (required)
The file that the network application uses as a default initialization file.


DefaultINIFile= EXCEL4.ini
RunMinimized (required)
This entry specifies whether the network application should be minimized to an icon each time the user starts it by using the program item. You can specify TRUE or FALSE.


RunMinimized = TRUE
RunLocalCopyIfPresent (required)
Specifies whether the SMS APPSTART program should search local directories on the workstation’s path for the file specified by CommandLine. If APPSTART finds this file, it starts the local version; otherwise, it starts the network version. You can specify TRUE or FALSE.


RunLocalCopyIfPresent = TRUE
DriveMode (required)
This entry specifies how the SMS APPSTART program should connect to the server and shared directory where the network application is located. You can specify one of three values:
APPSTART executes the network application by using a UNC name. No drive letter is connected to the application’s shared directory.
APPSTART must connect to the application’s shared directory by using a drive letter—but APPSTART can use any available drive letter on the workstation.
APPSTART must connect to the application’s shared directory by using a specific drive letter. DRIVE specifies the drive letter that APPSTART must use. The drive letter must be followed by a colon (:).


SupportedPlatforms (required)
This entry specifies the operating systems on which the program item is to be made available. Separate the operating system names with commas. When the PDF is imported into SMS, this entry is used as the Supported Platforms for the program item.


SupportedPlatforms = Windows, Windows NT (Alpha), Macintosh

Note that a version number is no longer needed and should not be used with Windows and Windows NT. Old PDFs that specified Windows 3.1 or Windows NT 3.1 will still work with SMS, but PDFs that specify any other versions of these platforms will not work. Particular versions of an operating system can still be uniquely targeted for package installation by using the SMS database query feature.

This entry specifies whether an application icon is placed in a program group. This entry should be FALSE for utility applications, such as MSAPPS, that are to be distributed along with other shared applications.


This entry specifies the file containing the icon that you want to use for the network application.


SetupIcon = exc40a01.ico