Miscellaneous Constants

The following constants are used by the SMS API for sizing string buffers for retrieving data from the site database. SMS_REG_ROOT is a string that contains the location of the SMS key in the registry.

Value Meaning
BUFF_SIZE Maximum size of buffer for character string data returned by the SMS API.
SMS_DATA_BUFF_SIZE Maximum length of character string data retrieved from the site database by the SMS API.
NAME_SIZE Maximum size of SMS names, such as the character string buffers in the FILTER_INFO structure.
SMS_REG_ROOT Location of the SMS key in the registry of a Windows NT computer.
TOKEN_STRING_SIZE Maximum size of szTokenString member of the TOKEN structure.

Note that a token represents the inventory rule for a specific file. A rule can contain up to four string attributes (in addition to other types of attributes). Each string attribute can be up to 1 kilobyte in length.