Persistent Filter Scalars

A persistent filter has four scalars:

Query Key
String that corresponds to the identifier of the query. The identifier is an eight-character identifier that the SMS system assigns to the query when it is first added to the site database. Note that the default queries provided with SMS have a six-character identifier. When your application creates a persistent filter, this scalar is set by the SMS system. Your application cannot set this scalar.
String that corresponds to the Query Name in the Query Properties of the query in the SMS Administrator. When your application creates a persistent filter, this scalar must be set by your application when adding a persistent filter to the site database.
String that corresponds to Comment in the Query Properties of the query in the SMS Administrator. When your application creates a persistent filter, this scalar is optional.
String that corresponds to Architecture in the Query Properties of the query in the SMS Administrator. When your application creates a persistent filter, this scalar must be set by your application.

Unlike the scalars for folders, the scalars for persistent filters can be retrieved in sequence only.

To retrieve scalars in sequence, use the SmsGetNextScalar function. SmsGetNextScalar retrieves the next scalar in the list of scalars within the persistent filter and writes the scalar's information into a SCALAR structure. To start at the beginning of the list again, use SmsRewind to reset a filter's internal scalar index so that the filter's scalars can be reiterated.

Name and Architecture must be set by your application before a persistent filter is added to the site database by using SmsCommitFilter.

Use the SmsSetScalar function to set the value of a scalar.