File Attributes for Inventory Rules Tokens

The following file attributes are supported for tokens in an inventory rules folder:


For all attributes except STRING, you can specify only one attribute for each type. For example, you can specify only one BYTE attribute for a file. A file can have up to four STRING attributes. The set of attributes specified for a file can appear in any order.

Note that the keywords such as file and retrieve, and the attributes such as byte and checksum, are not case-sensitive.

File attributes that are numerical values (and offset values), such as BYTE, CHECKSUM, and so on, can be specified as a decimal or hexadecimal value. Hexadecimal values must be preceded by 0x or 0X (for example, 0x1234 or 0X1234).

When an explicit path is specified for the filename, the SMS API engine can retrieve the value from the specified file when the retrieve key word is specified for the attribute's value.

The file attributes have the following format:

Is an 8-bit value stored at a specific location in the file.

BYTE offset value

where offset is the data offset from the start of file (in bytes); and value is the value (in decimal notation) stored at the location specified by offset. Note that value can be retrieved from the file by using the retrieve keyword.

Is the sum of all values stored at a specific set of bytes.

CHECKSUM offset length value

where offset is the data offset where the summed values begin (in bytes); length is the total number of bytes that are summed; and value is the summed value (in decimal notation) of all the values stored in the specified range of bytes. Note that value can be retrieved from the file by using the retrieve keyword.

Is a keyword that tells the Inventory Agent to collect the file and send it with the computer's inventory.
Is the sum (and sequence) of all values stored at a specific set of bytes. Unlike CHECKSUM, CRC takes into account the sequence of the summed bytes. This makes it a more reliable identification of a file.

CRC offset length value

where offset is the data offset where the summed values begin (in bytes); length is the total number of bytes that are summed; and value is the summed value (calculated with the CCITT-CRC algorithm and specified in decimal notation) of all the values stored in the specified range of bytes. SMS uses the CCITT-CRC standard to evaluate the CRC value. You must specify a CRC value computed with the CCITT-CRC algorithm. Note that value can be retrieved from the file by using the retrieve keyword.

Is the date of the file.

DATE mm/dd/yy

where mm is the decimal value for the month; dd is the decimal value for the day; and yy is the decimal value for the year. Note that the date can be retrieved from the file using the retrieve keyword (that is, DATE retrieve).

Is a 4-byte (32-bit) value stored at a specific location in the file.

LONG offset value

where offset is the data offset (in bytes); and value is the 32-bit value (in decimal notation) stored at the offset. Note that value can be retrieved from the file by using the retrieve keyword.

Is the size (32-bit) of the file (in bytes).

SIZE filesize

where filesize is the size of the file in bytes. Note that filesize can be retrieved from the file by using the retrieve keyword.

Is a specific string value stored at a specific location in the file.

STRING offset "string"

where offset is the data offset in bytes; and string is the string value stored at the location starting at offset. The string value must be enclosed within quotation marks. A file can have up to four STRING attributes. Note that the string must be less than 245 bytes; however, it is strongly recommended that you do not use four STRING attributes of maximum length. If the retrieve keyword is used, the SMS API engine will truncate the retrieved value to the first 244 characters if the string length is greater than 244 bytes. Note that string can be retrieved from the file by using the retrieve keyword.

Is the time of the file.

TIME hh:mm

where hh is the decimal value (using the 24-hour clock) for hours; and mm is the decimal value for minutes. Note that the time can be retrieved from the file by using the retrieve keyword.

Is a 2-byte (16-bit) value stored at a specific location in the file.

WORD offset value

where offset is the data offset from the start of file (in bytes); and value is the 16-bit value (in decimal notation) stored at the location specified by offset. Note that value can be retrieved from the file by using the retrieve keyword.