Matching Invoking and Invokable TPs

Each SNA server maintains a list of available invokable TP names and any LU aliases to be associated with the TP names. This information is obtained as follows:

Note  If you want a TP name to be unique, it is recommended that you limit the name to eight characters or fewer, or make the name unique within the first eight characters. This is because the preliminary routing of allocation requests is carried out using the first eight characters. Although further matching is later carried out between the full TP names, it is inefficient to allow the preliminary routing to succeed when in some cases the later matching will fail.

The next step in the matching of invoking and invokable TPs is the creation of a side information table from the parameters in the symbolic destination name. Then the invoking TP issues the Allocate call, and an allocation request flows to the partner LU specified in the side information table, stating the name of the invokable TP that has been requested (also listed in the side information table).

When an allocation request arrives, the SNA server compares the requested invokable TP name and LU alias to the list of available invokable TPs (which can include associated LU aliases). The comparison can be modified by registry variables, but by default is carried out as follows:

This comparison can be modified somewhat by registry entries for the SnaServr service. The entries are called DloadMatchTPOnly and DloadMatchLocalFirst, and are described in the Microsoft SNA Server Reference.

If a match is found, the SNA server signals the system containing the requested TP to connect to that SNA server. If no match is found, the SNA server rejects the incoming request.

For suggestions about specific ways to handle TP names and LU aliases, see Arranging TPs Within an SNA Network.

Note  Because of the way CPI-C works, an allocation request will not flow until local data buffers are full, or a Confirm or Flush call is made. This may mean that the allocation request does not flow until some time after the Allocate call is made. Therefore, any allocation failure caused by the rejection of the allocation request at the partner LU will be observed as the failure of a later call with one of the allocation failure return codes.