CPI-C Calls

This section describes the CPI-C calls. The following information is supplied for each call:

Data Types

The data types for the parameters supplied to and received from CPI-C are established as symbolic constants by #define statements in the WINCPIC.H file. For example, CM_INT32 represents signed long int and CM_PTR represents far *. Using symbolic constants improves the portability of CPI-C applications.

For ease of understanding, this reference presents the data types in absolute (not #defined) terms.

In writing applications, you should use the symbolic constants from the WINCPIC.H file.

Symbolic Constants

Most parameters supplied to and returned by CPI-C are 32-bit integers. To simplify coding, the values for these parameters are represented by meaningful symbolic constants, which are established by #define statements in the WINCPIC.H header file. For example, the value CM_MAPPED_CONVERSATION represents the integer 1. For the sake of readability, use only the symbolic constants when writing programs.


All strings are in ASCII format when passed across the CPI-C interface.

Validity of Output Parameters

The parameters returned by CPI-C are valid only if the CPI-C call is executed successfully, as indicated by a return code of cm_ok.