DevIoctl Definitions to Support SNA Modem Status

The SNA DevIoctl interface is modified to update the MODEM_STATUS structure for a link each time a modem status change is detected or caused by a GetV24 or SetV24 IOCTL call. Code is manually added to the link service to track the number of frames received and transmitted.

The DevIoctl changes are highlighted below:

#define SETV24STATUS                                              \
         NtDeviceIoControlFile(seldrvrh,NULL,NULL,NULL,&IoStatus, \
                               IoctlCodeSetV24,NULL,0L,           \
                               &pInterfaceRecord->V24Out,1L);     \
         if (SavedIROut != (InterfaceRecord.V24Out &              \
                            (MASK_DTR | MASK_RTS)    ))           \
         {                                                        \
           SavedIROut = (pInterfaceRecord->V24Out &               \
                         (MASK_DTR | MASK_RTS)    );              \
           pSharedMem->V24Out = pInterfaceRecord->V24Out;         \

#define GETV24STATUS(rc)                                          \
         rc |= NtDeviceIoControlFile(seldrvrh,NULL,NULL,NULL,     \
             &IoStatus,IoctlCodeGetV24,NULL,0L,NULL,0L);          \
         rc |= READINTERFACERECORD;                               \
         if (SavedIRIn != (InterfaceRecord.V24In &                \
                     (MASK_CTS | MASK_DSR | MASK_DCD| MASK_DRI))) \
         {                                                        \
             SavedIRIn = (InterfaceRecord.V24In &                 \
                     (MASK_CTS | MASK_DSR | MASK_DCD| MASK_DRI)); \
             pSharedMem->V24In = InterfaceRecord.V24In;           \

pSharedMem is a pointer to the MODEM_STATUS structure for this link service.

SavedV24In and SavedV24Out are characters used to only notify the display application when status changes, not each time it is read or set.