Flow : NODE ------> DLC
Field | Type | Description |
nxtqptr | PTRBFHDR | Pointer to next buffer header in a queue |
hdreptr | PTRBFELT | Pointer to first buffer element |
numelts | CHAR | Number of buffer elements: 1 |
msgtype | CHAR | Message type: OPENMSG (0x01) |
srcl | CHAR | Source locality |
srcp | CHAR | Source partner |
srci | INTEGER | Source index |
destl | CHAR | Destination locality |
destp | CHAR | Destination partner |
desti | INTEGER | Destination index |
ophdr.openqual | CHAR | Open qualifier: REQU (0x01) |
ophdr.opentype | CHAR | Open type: STAT (0x11) |
ophdr.opresid | INTEGER | Resource identifier |
ophdr.icreditr | INTEGER | Initial credit for flow DLC –> NODE |
Field | Type | Description |
hdreptr–>elteptr | PTRBFELT | Pointer to optional second buffer element (NULL if only one element) |
hdreptr–>startd | INTEGER | Index to start of data in this buffer element's data array: 1 |
hdreptr–>endd | INTEGER | Index to last byte of data in this buffer element's data array |
hdreptr–>dataru | CHAR[SNANBEDA] | Defined as follows, where s = startd–1 |
dataru[s..s+9] | Source name—name of local node | |
dataru[s+10..s+19] | Destination name | |
dataru[s+20..s+21] | Link index as specified in Open(LINK) Request | |
dataru[s+22] | If NODE is primary, address of secondary station to initiate contact procedure with. 0x00 if NODE is secondary |
dataru[s+23] | FID2 indicator 0x00 FID2 used |
dataru[s+24] | Station type 0x00 Subarea 0x01 Peer |
dataru[s+25..s+26] | Length of network name from received XID 0000 = No name |
dataru[s+27..s+27+n] | Network name from received XID, in local character set, or if this is null, the name of the remote PU record in the COM.CFG file. This name can be fully qualified and has a maximum length of 17 characters. |
dataru[s+44..s+89] | Link data—a copy of that supplied on the Open(LINK) Request | |
dataru[s+90..s+91] | Maximum BTU size to be used with this station | |
dataru[s+m+1] | SAP used by remote station. The remote SAP information is only allowed for 802.2 connections, and may only be present if Signalling information is present It is used along with the Signalling Information to identify the remote station. |