Close(STATION) Response

Flow : DLC ------> NODE


Field Type Description
nxtqptr PTRBFHDR Pointer to next buffer header in a queue
hdreptr PTRBFELT Pointer to first buffer element: NULL
numelts CHAR Number of buffer elements: 0
msgtype CHAR Message type: CLOSEMSG (0x02)
srcl CHAR Source locality
srcp CHAR Source partner
srci INTEGER Source index
destl CHAR Destination locality
destp CHAR Destination partner
desti INTEGER Destination index
clhdr.clsequal CHAR Close qualifier
- RSPOK (0x02)
- RSPERR (0x03)
clhdr.clstype CHAR Close type: STAT (0x11)
clhdr.clserr1 INTEGER Error code

The error codes (for an ERROR-RESPONSE) are defined as:

0x03 Station not open
0x04 Link not connected
0x05 Invalid station index
0x06 Duplicate request
