Open(LINK) Request

Flow : NODE ------> DLC


Field Type Description
nxtqptr PTRBFHDR Pointer to next buffer header in a queue
hdreptr PTRBFELT Pointer to first buffer element
numelts CHAR Number of buffer elements: 1 (Number of elements can be 2 if the connection is for an X.25 SVC)
msgtype CHAR Message type: OPENMSG (0x01)
srcl CHAR Source locality
srcp CHAR Source partner
srci INTEGER Source index
destl CHAR Destination locality
destp CHAR Destination partner
desti INTEGER Destination index
ophdr.openqual CHAR Open qualifier: REQU (0x01)
ophdr.opentype CHAR Open type: LINK (0x10)
ophdr.opresid INTEGER Resource identifier

Element 1

Field Type Description
hdreptr–>elteptr PTRBFELT Pointer to optional second buffer element (NULL if only one element)
hdreptr–>startd INTEGER Index to start of data in this buffer element's data array
hdreptr–>endd INTEGER Index to last byte of data in this buffer element's data array
hdreptr–>dataru CHAR[SNANBEDA] Defined as follows, where
s = startd–1
dataru[s..s+9] Source name—name of local node
dataru[s+10..s+19] Destination name—name of remote PU (blank for incoming calls)
dataru[s+20..s+21] Link index

LINK DATA (depends on DLC type)

Unless otherwise stated, these fields are valid for outgoing calls only.

dataru[s+22] XID supplied
0x00 Do not send initial XID
0x01 Send initial XID from this message (may be a NULL XID)
dataru[s+23] Link operational role
0x00 Primary
0x01 Secondary
0x02 Negotiable
dataru[s+24] Use Reject_Command indicator
0x00 Do use it
0x01 Do not use it
dataru[s+25] Address match byte
0x00 Primary/Negotiable SDLC
0x01 to 0xFE Secondary SDLC
dataru[s+26] Second SDLC address match byte
0x00 Primary SDLC
0xFF Secondary/Negotiable SDLC
dataru[s+27] Reserved

dataru[s+22] XID supplied
0x00 Do not send initial XID
0x01 Send initial XID from this message (may be a NULL XID)
dataru[s+23] PU emulation type
0x00 Unknown
0x20 PU 2.0 (format 0 XID)
0x21 PU 2.1 (format 3 XID)
dataru[s+24] Control Unit Image number (0 to 15) on the Channel address configured in SNA Server Manager
dataru[s+25] Channel subaddress
dataru[s+26..s+67] Reserved (may not be zero)

dataru[s+28..s+29] Contact time-out
dataru[s+30..s+31] Contact retry limit
dataru[s+32..s+33] Discontact time-out
dataru[s+34..s+35] Discontact retry limit
dataru[s+36..s+37] Negative poll time-out
dataru[s+38..s+39] Negative poll retry limit
dataru[s+40..s+41] T1 (no acknowledgment) time-out
dataru[s+42..s+43] T2 (acknowledgment) time-out
dataru[s+44..s+45] Remote station busy time-out
dataru[s+46..s+47] Remote station busy retry limit

dataru[s+48..s+49] Idle time-out
dataru[s+50..s+51] Idle retry limit
dataru[s+52..s+53] Nonproductive receive time-out
dataru[s+54..s+55] Nonproductive receive retry limit
dataru[s+56..s+57] Write time-out
dataru[s+58..s+59] Write retry limit
dataru[s+60..s+61] Link connection time-out
dataru[s+62..s+63] Link connection retry limit
0xFFFF for infinite retry
dataru[s+64..s+65] Reserved
dataru[s+66] Configuration options:
Bit 0 :    1 = Constant carrier selected
Bit 1 :    1 = NRZI
            0 = NRZ
Bit 2 :    = Reserved
Bit 3 :    1 = Full-duplex
            0 = Half-duplex
Bit 4 :    0 = External clocking
Bit 5 :    1 = Data signal rate select high
            0 = Data signal rate select low
Bit 6 :    1 = Select standby on
            0 = Select standby off
Bit 7 :    = Reserved
dataru[s+67] Configuration options: line type
0x00 leased
0x01 switched manual dial
0x02 switched auto-dial
Note that for configuration options, bit 0 is the most significant option and bit 7 is the least significant. Reserved bits are not always zero, so always use a bitwise AND operation when testing these bits.

The PU emulation type is returned as 0x00 (unknown) for versions of SNACFG.DLL supplied with versions of Microsoft® SNA Server earlier than 3.0.

The configuration options byte is also valid for incoming calls.