Changes from INF-Based Setup

In SNA Server 2.x, the INF-based link service setup performed both the initial setup and the reconfiguration process for the link service. In SNA Server 3.0 and later, these functions have been split apart. The product setup routine is responsible only for providing files for the link service and creating one registry entry. The remainder of the link service installation and configuration is performed in SNA Explorer.

An integrated link service must provide the following components:

  1. Link service DLL, optional device driver file(s) that run on the target server. These components are essentially unchanged from SNA Server 2.x.
  2. Detection DLL that also runs on the target server and performs application-specific tasks in conjunction with the configuration DLL. This detection DLL can perform any adapter maintenance function, not just hardware detection.
  3. Configuration DLL (with any associated help files) that runs on the management workstation in the context of SNA Explorer. The configuration DLL exposes the configuration interface for the link service and drives functions in the detection DLL. SNA Explorer loads this DLL across the network from the target server as needed. This DLL runs on the management machine under SNA Explorer and is responsible for the configuration dialog box and property sheets for your driver and link service.

The integrated link service configuration procedure does not require changes to your link service process or device driver. The structure of registry entries used by your link service and driver needs to change in the areas noted in the following two topics.