The Setup Resource Library

The Setup Resource Library (SRL) file has the .SRL extension and contains resources for the dialog box templates that Setup will use. This file is built in the same manner as a DLL but is renamed to minimize confusion. Setup loads the .SRL file once and keeps a handle to it; then when it needs to display a dialog box, Setup uses the stored handle and the dialog box template name to fetch the dialog box from the library.

The SRL can be built by using the template and makefile found in the \SETUP\DLGDLL directory on the SNA SDK CD-ROM. Following is a list and brief description of the files in this directory:

File name Description
DLLINIT.C Contains startup and initialization code for the SRL to be used by Setup as a resource. This file is common to every SRL and should not be changed.
MAKEFILE This file should be used with NMAKE to build the SRL. It should be edited to ensure that the path and file names are correctly assigned.
TEMPLATE.DLG Contains the actual definitions of what the dialog boxes look like, their size and position, their replaceable text, their buttons and other controls, where their icons and/or bitmaps are located, and so on.
TEMPLATE.H Contains many of the constant declarations that Setup uses to recognize controls such as option buttons and check boxes. These constants can be added to but should not be modified.
TEMPLATE.RC Lists all the resources to be compiled into the library—dialog boxes, icons, bitmaps, strings, and so on. It is the input file for the Resource Compiler (RC.EXE) and includes TEMPLATE.DLG.
TEMPLATE.RES This is the binary output of the Resource Compiler and is converted to an object file (.OBJ) and linked with DLLINIT.OBJ to produce the SRL. This file is also the input for the Dialog Editor, which writes out new .RES, .DLG, and .H files if you change a dialog box.