Registry Settings Used for 3270 Single Sign-On

The 3270 single sign-on feature depends on SNA Server scanning 3270 LUs used in the logon process for special keywords that are defined in the registry on the computer running SNA Server. The values for these special keywords can be defined by the system administrator on the computer running SNA Server.

The registry settings used by the 3270 single sign-on process are located under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\CurrentControlSet\Services registry node. Installed under the SNASERVR\PARAMETERS subkey are the following entries:

This entry should be set to an ASCIIZ string to use as the character for padding replacement text in the user name or password if these strings are shorter than the length of the special tag strings defined below. The default value for this pad character is the ASCII space character.
This entry should be set to a DWORD that represents the number of message chains of RUs to scan after replacement of text for user name or password. The default value for this number is 10.
This entry should be set to an ASCIIZ string to use as the special prefix tag string in combination with the user name and password tags. The default value of this string is MS$.
This entry should be set to an ASCIIZ string to use as the special tag string in combination with the 3270SSOPrefix tag in defining the special user name string that will be replaced. The default value of this string is SAMEU, so the default user name string that is scanned for and replaced is MS$SAMEU.
This entry should be set to an ASCIIZ string to use as the special tag string in combination with the 3270SSOPrefix tag in defining the special host password string that will be replaced. The default value of this string is SAMEP, so the default host password string that is scanned for and replaced is MS$SAMEP.