
The bCreateService function is used to create a service on a computer for a link service. This utility function is used to construct an integrated link service configuration DLL.

BOOL bCreateService(
  LPSTR szComputerName,
  LPSTR szServiceName,
  LPSTR szServicePath,
  LPSTR szServiceDependencies,
  DWORD dServiceType,
  DWORD dServiceLoadType,
  LPSTR szDomainName,
  LPSTR szUserid,
  LPSTR szPassword


This supplied parameter specifies the name of the computer to create the service on.
This supplied parameter specifies the name of the link service that is to be created. This parameter is passed unchanged to the Windows NT CreateService function.
This supplied parameter specifies the binary path to the link service that is to be created. This parameter is passed unchanged to the Windows NT CreateService function.
This supplied parameter specifies the service dependencies of the link service that is to be created. This parameter is passed unchanged to the Windows NT CreateService function.
This supplied parameter specifies the type of service that is to be created. This parameter is passed unchanged to the Windows NT CreateService function.
This supplied parameter specifies the load type of service that is to be created. This parameter is passed unchanged to the Windows NT CreateService function.
This supplied parameter specifies the domain name for the service to run in.
This supplied parameter specifies the user identifier for the service to run in.
This supplied parameter specifies the password for the domain account.

Return Values

The function executed successfully and the service was created.
One or more of the parameters passed to this function are invalid or the function failed.


If the szUserid parameter is not supplied, then the szDomainName parameter is used to construct the Account parameter passed to the Windows NT CreateService function.