SNA Client Binary Setup

This section provides information regarding the installation of the Microsoft® SNA Server Client binaries. This information will enable you to consolidate SNA Server into your product's own setup, simplifying operation for the end user.

The SNA Server Client binaries are installed using the Microsoft® Setup Toolkit (ACME Setup Toolkit). Note that in releases of SNA Server earlier than version 3.0, the client binaries were installed on Microsoft® Windows NT® and Microsoft® Windows® 95 using the Windows NT Setup engine and on Windows 3.x using the Windows setup tools. The ACME Setup Toolkit is completely different from these previous setup procedures and documentation on its use is not provided with SNA Server.

This document assumes that your own product will be installed using a third-party installation tool, although it is also possible to use the Windows NT Setup engine or the Windows 3.x setup tools. Installation information is provided for the following environments:

This information should allow you to integrate the installation of the SNA Server client binaries with your own product.