GetChunk Method

The GetChunk method on a Field object returns all or a portion of the contents of a large text or binary data Field object.

variable = field.GetChunk( Size )


This parameter specifies a Long expression equal to the number of bytes or characters to be retrieved.

Return Values

A Variant.


The GetChunk method on a Field object is used to retrieve part or all of its long binary or character data. In situations where system memory is limited, the GetChunk method can be used to manipulate long values in portions rather than in their entirety.

The data that a GetChunk method returns is assigned to a variable. If the Size parameter is greater than the remaining data, the GetChunk method returns only the remaining data without padding the variable with empty spaces. If the Field object is empty, the GetChunk method returns Null.

Each subsequent GetChunk method call retrieves data starting from where the previous GetChunk call left off. However, if you are retrieving data from one field and then set or read the value of another field in the current record, ADO assumes you are finished retrieving data from the first field. If the GetChunk method is called on the first field again, ADO interprets the call as a new GetChunk operation and starts reading from the beginning of the data. Accessing Field objects in other Recordset objects (that are not clones of the first Recordset object) will not disrupt GetChunk operations.

If the adFldLong bit in the Attributes property of a Field object is set to True, the GetChunk method can be used for that Field object.

If there is no current record when the GetChunk method is invoked on a Field object, error 3021 (no current record) occurs.