Requery Method

The Requery method on a Recordset object updates the data in a Recordset object by re-executing the query on which the object is based.





The Requery method is used to refresh the entire contents of a Recordset object from the data source by reissuing the original command and retrieving the data a second time. Calling this method is equivalent to calling the Close and Open methods in succession. If you are editing the current record or adding a new record, an error occurs.

While the Recordset object is open, the properties that define the nature of the cursor (CursorType, LockType, MaxRecords, and other properties) are read-only. Thus, the Requery method can only refresh the current cursor. To change any of the cursor properties and view the results, the Close method must be used so that the properties become read/write again. You can then change the property settings and call the Open method to reopen the cursor.