
HRESULT StateGet(DWORD *pdwState);

Returns the instrumentation state of the object.

· Returns NOERROR if successful, or one of these error values:



[out] State of the system. Possible values for the state are:

· IASISTATE_PASSTHROUGH - The audio is being passed through without being recorded. This is the default action of the object upon startup unless the instrumented object is using the registry for control and it specifies a different value.

IASISTATE_PASSNOTHING - Data and notifications of available data are not passed through, preventing any audio information from getting to the speech recognizer.

IASISTATE_READFROMWAVE - Audio data is gotten from the wave file specified by IAudioSourceInstrumented::WaveFileReadSet. If no wave file exists or it is out of data then the pass through acts as though IASISTATE_PASSNOTHING were set.

IASISTATE_WRITETOWAVE - Audio data is passed through and also written to the wave file specified by IAudioSourceInstrumented::WaveFileWriteSet. If no wave file exists or it is out of data then the pass through acts as though IASISTATE_PASSTHROUGH were set.