
HRESULT Select(TCHAR *pszSpeakerName, BOOL fLock);

Selects the specified speaker to be the current speaker on the system.

· Returns NOERROR if successful, or one of these error values:



[in] Address of a string that contains the name of the speaker. If pszSpeakerName is NULL, the speaker is set to "Unknown".


[in] TRUE if the speaker name is to be locked and can be changed only by calls from the application, or FALSE if the engine can regard pszSpeakerName as a recommendation and change the current speaker if it believes that another person is speaking.

If the speaker doesn't exist, the engine creates a new speaker. The ISRSpeaker::Select member function is identical to the ISRAttributes::SpeakerSet member function except that Select also allows the application to lock the speaker name.