Structure | Description | Member functions |
SDATA | Contains a pointer to data and the data's size. | IAudio::WaveFormatGet |
SRMODEINFO | Provides details about a speech-recognition mode supported by a particular engine. | ISRCentral::ModeGet |
SRMODEINFORANK | Ranks the members of the SRMODEINFO structure in order of importance. | ISRFind::Find |
SRPHRASE | Identifies a unique phrase for a grammar's vocabulary. | ISRGramNotifySink: |
SRRESPHONEMENODE | Provides information about a phoneme node in a recognition/alternative graph generated by a speech-recognition engine. | ISRResGraph::GetPhonemeNode |
SRRESWORDNODE | Provides information about a word node in a recognition/alternative graph generated by a speech-recognition engine. | ISRResGraph::GetWordNode |
SRSHARE | Provides information about a shared engine/audio source pair. | IEnumSRSHARE::Clone |
SRWORD | Identifies a unique word for a grammar's vocabulary. | ISRResGraph::GetWordNode |