
The engine object should support the ISRAttributes, ISRCentral, and ISRDialogs interfaces, and it may also support the ILexPronounce and ISRSpeaker interfaces. An engine object may support other interfaces defined by the engine vendor to provide additional functionality.




(Optional.) Allows an application to query and control the pronunciation lexicon for a speech-recognition or text-to-speech engine.


Controls the attributes of a speech-recognition engine. Member functions allow the application to adjust the engine's automatic gain, echo canceling, energy floor, microphone information, share of the processor, speaker, recognition threshold, and time-out values.


Controls an engine object. Member functions allow an application to load a grammar, get information about the speech-recognition mode, pause and resume the engine, register or release a notification interface, get the time that a byte in the audio stream was received, and convert the time to a Win32 FILETIME structure.


Displays Windows dialog boxes that allow the user to configure the speech-recognition engine, such as training the engine for the microphone or the speaker's voice.


Notifies an application of engine-specific events related to recognizing speech, such as a change of attributes, interference or sound, the beginning and end of an utterance, and the VU meter reading for the incoming audio stream.


(Optional.) Manages speaker profile information. Member functions allow an application to query, create, delete, and merge speaker profiles and transfer a speaker profile from one system to another.