
Enumerates shared engine/audio-source pairs, or creates new ones. Allows an application to share a particular engine and audio source with other applications or with other speech-recognition processes within the same application.

An application can use a speech-recognition sharing object to accomplish the following:

· Share an engine and audio source with other applications, or with voice commands within the same application.

· Provide dictation services and command and control at the same time, if the engine supports both of these capabilities.

The speech-recognition sharing object has certain limitations that an application developer should consider:

· The object must be in a separate application, which requires marshaling and therefore is slower than a direct connection to a DLL.

· Any application can influence the recognition accuracy, confidence, and other speech-recognition attributes for a shared engine, which affects all applications sharing that engine.

The speech-recognition sharing object is supplied by Microsoft. Use of this object is optional.